Medical assisting schools and medical assistant degree programs are quickly gaining popularity as more health care students choose medical assisting as a career option. The health care field is currently booming despite the recent economy, and because of the short training programs, availability of jobs, and the nature of the work itself, medical assisting is being called one of the fastest-growing occupations for the next decade.
Though there are a lot of medical assistant schools to choose from (see our list of popular medical assisting schools), that means finding the best one is that much harder, with a variety of degree options and different course content available to students.
Most medical assisting programs last from 12 to 24 months, ending in a diploma or associate degree. And though employment for medical assistants is predicted to grow quickly, medical facilities will still be extremely selective in hiring the most well-trained and best-prepared personnel. That means it’s beneficial to explore several schools and degree options to find the one you will excel in.
At, you can find a basic overview of the medical assisting field, including a job description, salary figures, and a wealth of info on medical assistant course content. This will ensure you’re prepared to make your decision in choosing your medical assisting school.
12 Popular Medical Assistant Schools
These career schools and colleges offer established, reputable medical assisting programs to students across the country. They provide work-ready instruction in the subjects and practices needed for employment in the field of medical assisting, including both clinical and administrative skills. … Continue reading
How to Become a Certified Medical Assistant
Becoming a certified medical assistant (CMA) can be an exciting and rewarding career move. Here is a simple, 5-step guide to getting your medical assistant training and finding employment to become a certified medical assistant. 1. Enroll in an accredited … Continue reading
Medical Assistant Classes
Here is an explanation of some of the common classes taken in a medical assisting program, and what topics and subjects they cover. This is only a general list, for informational purposes – course content may vary from school to … Continue reading
Medical Assistant Training
Medical assistant training programs normally last from 9 to 24 months, ending in a certificate or associate’s degree in medical assisting. These programs are geared for the quick accumulation of job-related skills, including the basic medical procedures, sciences and terminology … Continue reading
What is a Medical Assisting Program Like?
Most medical assisting programs are associate’s degree, certificate or diploma programs. They usually last from several months to up to two years, and are taught at medical colleges, career schools or career training institutes. The subjects taught are focused on … Continue reading